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seven.pics presents - Sport


Sport is a major area of human interest and activity. A large part of our leisure, newspaper and TV time is given over to it. A pragmatic approach to defining “sport” is to look at the common usage of the term. A sport can be operationally defined as an activity characteristically involving : # athlete #sport #running #run #girls #women #olympic #fast  
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seven.pics presents - Die neue Corvette ZR1 – ein echtes Biest

Die neue Corvette ZR1 – ein echtes Biest

Die amerikanischen Sportwagen haben besonders in den letzten Jahren eine beeindruckende Entwicklung durchgemacht. Von den hubraumwütigen Schiffsschaukeln vergangener Tage ist nicht mehr viel übrig geblieben und mittlerweile bilden sie eine ernsthafte Konkurrenz zu deutschen oder italienischen Fabrikaten, die bis dato die Speerspitze des Sportwagenbaus markierten. Allen voran und der unangefochtene Superstar der amerikanischen Sportwagenwelt ist die Corvette. #Corvette #Supercar #Sportcar #ZR1 #Chevrolet #Sport #Auto #Sportwagen 
seven.pics presents - Eurovision Song Contest Poland 2021

Eurovision Song Contest Poland 2021

Rafał Brzozowski (born June 8, 1981 in Warsaw) is a Polish singer, television presenter and former wrestler. He will represent Poland at the ESC 2021. He started learning piano and guitar at the age of 10. In 2006, he won the bronze medal in the Polish University Wrestling Championships, but had to end his sports career due to a spinal injury. Brzozowski began his music career in 2002 when he participated in the television show Szansa na sukces. #eurovision #song #contest #rafal #brzozowski #2021 #poland #music #sports 
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seven.pics presents - Eurovision Song Contest Polen 2021

Eurovision Song Contest Polen 2021

Rafał Brzozowski (* 8. Juni 1981 in Warschau) ist ein polnischer Sänger, Fernsehmoderator und ehemaliger Wrestler. Er wird Polen beim ESC 2021 vertreten. Im Alter von 10 Jahren begann er Klavier und Gitarre zu lernen. 2006 gewann er die Bronzemedaille der polnischen Universitätsmeisterschaften im Wrestling, musste seine Sportkarriere jedoch aufgrund einer Wirbelsäulenverletzung beenden. Brzozowski begann seine Musikkarriere 2002 mit der Teilnahme an der Fernsehsendung Szansa na sukces. #eurovision #song #contest #rafal #brzozowski #2021 #poland #music #sports 
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seven.pics presents - Lanzarote


In 1994, Lanzarote was declared a Reserve of the Biosphere by UNESCO. Lanzarote lies in the Atlantic Ocean, about 100 km from the African coast and 1,000 km from the Iberian Peninsular. It is the most easterly of the seven main Canary Islands, once known as the Fortune Islands. Lanzarote was formed by a volcanic eruption about 15 million years ago, and has mountain ranges in the north and south, and desert lava fields abound. It claims to have the longest underwater volcanic tunnel in the world at over 7km long. The last volcanic eruption was in 1824. #travel #canary #islands #lanzarote  
seven.pics presents - Where to go and what to see in South Island:

Where to go and what to see in South Island:

The South Island is the largest land mass, and is divided along its length by the Southern Alps. The dramatic and varied landscape of New Zealand has made it a popular location for the production of television programmes and films, including the Lord of the Rings trilogy. #south island #southernalps #landscape #newzealand  
seven.pics presents - Воспоминания о школьном выпускном во 2-й железнодорожной школе г. Бендеры 1993 г

Воспоминания о школьном выпускном во 2-й железнодорожной школе г. Бендеры 1993 г

В школе закладываются первые отношения между людьми: первый лучший друг, первая любовь, первая дружеская компания. Школьный мир- мир ярких воспоминаний, дружеских забав, совместно придуманных шуток. А последний звонок - это та граница, через которую надо перейти, чтобы строить новый мир. По традиции последнего звонка все выпускники танцуют вальс. Фото на память с первой учительницей #вальс #последнийзвонк  
seven.pics presents - Италия VS Литва

Италия VS Литва

Сегодня прошел очередной матч по футболу в рамках отбора к чемпионату мира 


Лет 7 проработал в "культуре". Воспоминания о былом 
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Мальчишки всегда остаются мальчишками

Мальчишки всегда остаются мальчишками

Дворовой футбол всегда в нашем сердце. Шли мы как-то с моим другом по весеннему городу, а тут мальчишки, играют в футбол. Ну, пришлось показать им мастер класс.  
1 continuazioni
seven.pics presents - Fuerteventura


Many exciting stories have been heard about relaxations on islands, and the story isn’t so different from that of the Fuerteventura, the second-largest Canary Islands of Spain. This Island lies in the Atlantic Ocean about 100km from Africa’s north coast. It is an accessible location for vacations and relaxations from the world of stress. Fuerteventura Islands is known for its numerous beaches wrapped around cliffs and coves that are suitable for water sports, including surfing, waterskiing, and windsurfing. #travel #spain #canary #island #fuerteventura  
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